We are the primary point of contact for millions of policyholders.
We deliver a personal, prompt and efficient response to unforeseen and critical incidents. We understand the importance of customer satisfaction as the currency of this industry and ensure that our objectives are always closely aligned to your specific product and your commercial goals. We are also acutely aware of the need for cost containment to protect your funds and have implemented effective cost avoidance and containment strategies.
We have vast experience supporting policies protecting assets exposed to war, terrorism and political violence. Our risk consultants are always on hand to provide reassuring support to policyholders who are navigating dynamic, complex and ever-changing global threats.
For more than 30 years, we have been advising corporate clients and high-net-worth individuals globally on intricate crisis management scenarios, including kidnapping for ransom, piracy, and extortion. Our service is discreet, confidential, and professionally tailored for you and your policyholders, drawing from trusted first-hand experience. We exclusively offer the retained Crisis Response Service, Kidnap, Ransom, and Extortion team for the global insurance company Travelers. Through the Lloyd’s of London insurance market, Travelers has underwritten Kidnap, Ransom, and Extortion Insurance since 1977 and holds a significant share of this specialised market worldwide.
Our dedicated KRE response team is also available to provide training, deploy and provide assistance to non insured clients on a fee-for-service basis.
We are the primary point of contact for millions of insured personnel, ensuring they receive prompt, efficient and effective support ranging from remote advice to effective point of incident response. We understand the importance of providing a professional service that is aligned to the specific insurance products and underwriter requirements, coupled with protection of the various entities personnel and reputations. While maintaining this high level of quality, we are also acutely aware of the need for cost containment.
SPS is a retained service provider for multiple Aviation related Insurance Intermediaries for the provision of 24hr Air Rescue services inclusive of the following elements: Search & Rescue, Evacuation and Emergency Medical Support services.
We understand security and & medical support related costs can be expensive, unpredictable, and vary throughout the world. Effective cost avoidance and containment is a fine balance between minimising costs without compromising on quality client support and patient care. Our cost containment approach aims to help organisations save money while still providing premium support. Our teams strive to challenge, renegotiate rates, and maximise the discounts with our global network of security & medical providers, passing on the savings to our clients. Due to our case volumes and our extensive global network, clients benefit directly from these negotiated discounts and the associated savings.
We work alongside and in partnership with numerous insurers specialising in special risks. Our emphasis is on identifying needs or potential gaps in the market, developing new products, insurance covers, and establishing response procedures and protocols.